Agricultural Advisory Services
Dipl. Ing. hort. Uwe Hornischer
Deutsche FlaggeEnglische Flagge
Project planning
Quality assurance / farm audits
Agricultural advice
Conversion to organic farming
Clients, events and dissertations

Clients of HORTICONS Agricultural Advisory Services

Univeg Deutschland GmbHBremen, GermanyQuality assurance, vegetables, Turkey
Natur FairWien, AustriaFarm planning organic agriculture
SGS GermanyEmstek, GermanyCertification of quality assurance systems
GTZ/FIBL Swiss (Gesellschaft für technische Zusammenarbeit/Forschings-institut für biologischen Landbau)Eschborn/Frick (CH)Promotion of organic Agriculture in Serbia (Extension service/research)
Zoraya EooDPeruschtiza, BulgariaProject planning
technical advice
Fachhochschule Osnabrück (University of Applied Sciences Osnabrück)Osnabrück, GermanyLecturer for special horticulture, quality assurance
Univeg Direct Fruit Marketing GmbHBremen, GermanyQuality assurance, China
Univeg Trade ItalyTrevenzuolo, ItalyQuality assurance, organic fruit and vegetable production
Norges VelSkjetten, NorwayPost graduate course for teachers about organic farming in agriculture in Kosovo
Univeg Trade SpanienValencia, SpainQuality assurance, organic fruit and vegetable production
Kompetenzzentrum Ökolandbau NiedersachsenVisselhövede, GermanyIntercompany comparison of organic farms
creations of a brochure for organic tomato production
Bioland Publishing CompanyMainz, GermanyUpdating of the book:
" Organic vegetable production"; Subjects: cucumbers, eggfruits, garlic
Godeland Vermarktungsgesellschaft mbHGlückstadt, GermanyQuality assurance, organic vegetable production
Ökoring NiedersachsenVisselhövede, GermanyAdvice for conversion to organic farming
Planning of business development
TraxpertsLüneburg, GermanyQuality assurance, organic fruit and vegetable production
DFM ItaliaBratipaglia, ItalyQuality assurance, organic fruit and vegetable production
Atlanta AGBremen, GermanyQuality assurance, organic fruit and vegetable production
Quality assurance, conventional fruit and vegetable production
Oreka BioprodukteKamen, GermanyProject planning, Egypt
Gemüsering StuttgartStuttgart, GermanyMarket analysis
Technical advice for conversion to organic farming
Agricultural advice
B-Sys EoodSofia, BulgariaProject planning

Events and dissertation

of Dipl. Ing. hort. (FH) Uwe Hornischer since May 2007

Benefit Insects in Greenhouse FarmingZlatibor, Serbien
Okt. 2010
IPN- Institute for Applied Sciences in Agriculture
Organic Carrot ProductionSubotica, Serbien
Okt. 2010
Extensionist Training, FIBL/GTZ
Weed control in Organic AgricultureSubotica, Serbien
Okt. 2010
Extensionist Training, FIBL/GTZ
Quality Assurance in Organic AgricultureCacak, Serbien
Okt. 2010
Extensionist Training, FIBL/GTZ
Products for Plant Protection in organic AgricultureCacak, Serbien
Okt. 2010
Extensionist Training, FIBL/GTZ
Organic Carrot ProductionSelenca, Serbien
Sep. 2010
Extensionist Training,
Centar for Organic Agriculture Selenca
Crop Rototion and Green ManureKovacica, Serbien
Sep. 2010
Extensionist Training, FIBL/GTZ
Fertilization in Organic AgricultureKovacica, Serbien
Sep. 2010
Extensionist Training, FIBL/GTZ
Plant Protection in Organic AgricultureBelgrade, Serbia
May 2010
Serbia Organica extensionist training
Organic Vegetable ProductionBelgrade, Serbia
May 2010
Serbia Organica extensionist training
Quality assurance of imported organic productsPlankstetten, Germany
Feb 2010
Ökomenischer Gartenbautag Bayern
Quality assurance of Honey-Pomelos
EC Requirements
Pinghe/Xiamen, China
May 2009
Pinghe, City Governement
Organic Agriculture and Quality assuranceLipjan, Kosovo
May 2009
Saturday academy, Norges Vel, School for Agriculture, Kosovo
Greenhouse farmingSalern, Italy
March 2009
Fachschule Salern
Gemüsefachtag Italy
Organic tomato productionEisenstadt, Austria
Feb. 2009
Bio Austria
Bio-Tomatenfachtag Austria
Organic farming in the worldBad Boll
Jan. 2009
BÖG Wintertagung
Organic production of cucumbersBad Boll
Jan. 2009
BÖG Wintertagung
Organische Handelsdünger
(nach Vorlage von Brassert)
Januar 2009
Arbeitskreis ökologischer Landbau Hessen
Calculation of organic fertilizationRauischholzhausen
Jan. 2009
Arbeitskreis ökologischer Landbau Hessen
Effective Quality Assurance of organic Fruit and VegetablesKöln
Jun. 2008
Workshop Ökostrategieberatung
Risk Management in organic FarmingHamm
Nov. 2007
Organic Farming in South EuropeGrünberg
Nov. 2007
Bioland Wintertagung 2007

Publications of Uwe Hornischer:

  1. „Ökologischer Gemüsebau“ (Organic Vegetable Production)
    Bioland Verlags GmbH, Eckhard George, Reyhaneh Eghbal (Hrsg.), 2003
    S. 279- 281 (Organic Production of Eggfruit) und S. 260-261 (Organic Production of garlic)
  2. „Verwertung von Wirtschafts- und Sekundärrohstoffdüngern in der Landwirtschaft“ (Organic Fertilizers in Agriculture)
    KTBL- Schrift 444 (Kuratorium für Technik und Bauwesen in der Landwirtschaft, Hrsg.), 2006
    S. 133-144 (Use and importance of organic fertilizers in agriculture)
  3. Brochure „Ökologischer Anbau von Tomaten“ (Organic Production of Tomatoes)
    Authors: Uwe Hornischer (KÖN) and Martin Koller (FiBL Swiss)
    KÖN, FiBL Swiss, Bioland, Bio Austria (Hrsg.), 2006
  4. „KÖN Infoblätter für den ökologischen Landbau“ (Information sheets for organic agriculture)
    (Kompetenzzentrum Ökolandbau Niedersachsen, Hrsg.), 2002 bis 2006
    56 information sheets for practice in organic farming for the following subjects:
    • Fertilization
    • Plant protection
    • Liming
    • Sheets for special crops
    • Lists of varieties
    • Techniques
    • Address-lists
    • more
  5. „Ökologischer Gemüsebau“ (Organic Farming)
    Bioland Verlags GmbH, Eckhard George, Reyhaneh Eghbal (Hrsg.), 2009
    2nd revised edition
    S. 276- 280 organic production of eggfruit;
    S. 263-264 organic production of garlic;
    S. 252-258 revision of organic production of cucumbers